Monday, June 25, 2007

Household Assembly

What up SNE!

We have a Household Assembly this coming weekend. The details are as follows:

Who: All of Scarb. North East
What: Household Assembly
When: Saturday, June 30, 2007 (1-4PM)
Where: CFC Office (156 Shorting Rd.)

From the 401 by car
- Exit McCowan North
- Make a RIGHT on Sheppard (going east)
- Make a LEFT on Shorting Rd. (you'll see the plaza with the Tim Horton's)
- Turn into the SECOND driveway on your LEFT

From STC Station by bus
- Take 129 McCowan NORTH
- Get off at Sheppard
- Take 85 Sheppard EAST
- Get off at Shorting Rd. or at the plaza with the Tim Horton's

Hope to see you all there!!

Take Care & God Bless.

Your friendly neighbourhood chapter heads,
Josh and Steph

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